Bangladesh Government bolstered the goals and objectives of Digital Bangladesh through its 7th Five Year Plan. The campaign is adopting IT practices and tools on a wide scale to enable economic, cultural, and social development.As part of this nation-wide initiative, particular focus is given to greater adoption of e-Governance and e-Services solutions. The “‘Vision: 2021” is an articulation of where this nation needs to be in 2021 – the year which marks the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's independence.
Bangladesh is amongst one of the only countries that initiated Digital Bangladesh dated back as early as 2008. It is empowering its resources by its advanced, robust training programs on Intelligent Enterprise, Digital Trust, Cyber Security and SMAC (Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud) and robotics.
Bangladesh is ready with technology driven talents to meet global demand. It is one of the top 10 growth markets for tech devices offering a rapid technology adoption consumer base.
Bangladesh is adapting, blending and getting its resources to meet digital jobs of the future while realizing the impact of digitization. The impact of digitization cuts through various factors adding value to the overall performance of the business resulting in improved productivity, collaboration, SMAC embraced new business models, advanced prescriptive analytics, real time decision making, instant availability of information, decreased importance of physical infrastructure.
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